
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Editing photos is a pain in the rear...

Lemme just tell you, my behind has been getting some serious sittin' time editing these photos. I've been making, yet not photographing and listing.

I had a home party this last weekend, so I was saving some items for then.... Now, though, I have to list them!

Also, I've been moving items from my site to Etsy. I'm really debating on down-grading my site in an effort to save the money. That's not really your problem, dear readers, but I need to save money if I ever want to get my own brick and mortar store, don't I? (The goal is by my 30th birthday... which is only 2 and a half years away!)

So, basically, you guys really need to start shopping, or I need to save money. I kid, I do... Because I know the economy isn't the greatest and people are hurting. Maybe I'll just scale back the expenses, then, right?

Thus ends my babble... Here are some pretty new things!

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